Strictly Ballroom is a 1992 Australian romantic comedy-drama film directed by Baz Luhrmann. The film tells the story of Scott Hastings, a talented ballroom dancer who defies the rules of the Ballroom Dancing Federation to perform his own unique style of dance. The film follows Scott as he navigates the cutthroat world of competitive ballroom dancing and learns to find the courage to dance for himself and not for others.
The plot of the film centers around Scott Hastings, a championship ballroom dancer who is known for his unorthodox dance style. When Scott’s partner, Liz Holt, becomes injured, he is forced to find a new partner, Fran, a beginner dancer who helps him to break free from the rigid rules of the Federation and to find the courage to dance his own way.
The main characters of the film are Scott Hastings and Fran. Scott is portrayed by actor Paul Mercurio, while Fran is portrayed by actress Tara Morice. Both actors give dynamic performances that bring the characters to life and make them relatable to the audience.
The film received rave reviews from critics upon its release. The New York Times praised the film for its “exuberant, colorful visual style” and “appealing performances” from the lead actors. Similarly, Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film 3.5 out of 4 stars, praising it as “a bright and colorful comedy that celebrates the human spirit.”
Strictly Ballroom was a hit both in North America and Worldwide, grossing over $80 million worldwide on a budget of $5 million. The films themes of individuality, self-expression and love resonate with the audience, making it a cult classic that stands the test of time.
In conclusion, Strictly Ballroom is a fantastic and fun movie that tells a heartwarming story about dancing, love and the importance of being true to oneself. The film boasts an exciting and dynamic plot, relatable characters and superb performances from the cast. The movie is considered a campy classic that it encourages viewers to stand up and dance for what they believe in. It continues to be appreciated by audiences around the world and will forever be a favorite among movie lovers.